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Gynecology and Obstetrics Anatomical Medical Terms
abortus - A fetus weighing less than 500 g or having completed less than 20 weeks gestational age at the time of expulsion from the uterus, having no chance of survival.
afterbirth - The placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus following childbirth.
amniocentesis - Laboratory analysis of amniotic fluid.
amnion/amniotic sac - The innermost of the membranes enveloping the embryo in utero.
amniotic cavity - The closed sac between the embryo and the amnion, containing the amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid - The nourishing and protecting liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman.
amniotic sac/bag of waters - A sac in which the fetus develops in amniotes
ampulla - A dilated portion of a canal or duct
anteflexion - The normal position of the uterus is bent forward in a position called anteflexion.
antepartum - Before labor or delivery
anti-D gamma globulin - Immunoglobulin for prevention of Rh-sensitization.
Apgar score - Physical assessment of a newborn baby; usually conducted at one minute and five minutes after birth.
areola - The dark pigmented area around the nipple
Bartholin glands - Bartholin's glands are two small, rounded glands on the either side of the vaginal opening that produce a mucus secretion to lubricate the vagina.
basal body temperature (BBT) - A woman’s body temperature at rest; used for detection of ovulation.
blood count - A test used to detect anemia and infection.
breakthrough bleeding - Nonorganic endometrial bleeding during the use of oral contraceptives.
Breech -
cervical ectropion or eversion - Migration of cells from the lining of the endocervical canal (endocervix) to the outer portion of the cervix (ectocervix).
cervix/cervix uteri - The lower narrow portion that extends into the vagina
clitoris - An organ of sensitive, erectile tissue located anterior to the vaginal orifice and in front of the urethral meatus.
coitus/copulation - Sexual intercourse
colostrum - The fluid secreted by the breasts during pregnancy and the first days postpartum
conception - The beginning of a new individual that results from fertilization.
corpus - The middle position
corpus luteum - A small, yellow structure that forms in the ovary after an egg has been released.
cortex - The outer layer of an internal organ or body structure.
crowning - The head first seen at the vaginal orifice
delivery - The expulsion of the infant and afterbirth
dilatation - The condition being dilated or stretched beyond normal dimensions.
dilation - The act of dilating or stretching
effacement - The thinning and shortening of the cervix during labor.
embryo - A developing baby during the first trimester.
endometrium - The inner layer that consists of specialized epithelial mucosa
epidural - Type of anesthesia administered through the back during labor. Not the same as a “spinal.”
estimated date of confinement (EDC) - Due date
estradiol - The most potent naturally occurring estrogen.
estrogen - The female sex hormone
fallopian tube/oviducts/uterine tubes - The tubes that extend from the upper end of the uterus to a point near but not attached to each ovary. The fallopian tube serves as a duct to convey the ovum from ovary to the uterus.
fecal occult blood test - Test in which a stool sample is checked for blood that could indicate colon or rectal cancer.
fertilization - Union of ovum and sperm
fetus - A developing baby after the first trimester.
fimbria - Singular of fimbriae
fimbriae - The infundibulum ends in finger-like extensions called fimbriae that catch the ovum when it leaves the ovary.
follicle stimulating hormone - A hormone that stimulates the growth and maturation of mature eggs in the ovary.
fornix - An arch like structure
fraternal twins - Results from the fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm cells. These develop into two separate embryos.
fundus - The bulging rounded part above the entrance of the fallopian tubes.
gametes/ova - A reproductive cell having the haploid number of chromosomes, especially a sperm or egg capable of fusing with a gamete of the opposite sex to produce a fertilized egg.
genitalia - The reproductive organ
gestation - Pregnancy.
graafian follicles - The ovaries contain thousands of small sacs called graafian follicles.
gravid - Pregnant.
gravida - The number of times the mother has been pregnant
gravida/para (GP) - a shorthand notation for a woman's obstetric history
gynecology - The branch of medicine that involves care of woman’s health, including the reproductive system and breasts.
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - A hormone excreted during the development of an embryo or fetus.
hymen - A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely covers the external vaginal orifice.
identical twins - Formed from the fertilization of a single egg cell by a single sperm
implantation - The attachment and embedding of the zygote within the endothelial lining of the uterus.
infundibulum - The funnel shaped opening into the fallopian tube
labia majora - The protection of external genitalia and urethral meatus.
labia minora - The protection of external genitalia and urethral meatus.
lactation - The medical term for yielding of milk by the mammary glands which leads to breastfeeding
lactiferous duct - The duct that carries the milk to the nipple
lactiferous glands - The glands which produce milk after childbirth.
LMP - First day of a woman’s last menstrual period before pregnancy; important to know when calculating the estimated date of confinement (the “due date”).
lochia - The vaginal discharge that takes place during the first week or two after childbirth.
luteal phase - The portion of the menstrual cycle that begins with the formation of the corpus luteum and ends with the start of the menstrual flow, usually 14 days in length.
mammary glands/breasts - Milk producing glands that develop during puberty. They are classified as part of both the reproductive and integumentary systems.
mammography (mammogram) - An X-ray of the breast, used to detect breast cancer.
mans pubis - The rounded fleshy prominence over the pubic symphysis
maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP) - A protein substance produced by the liver of the fetus.
meconium - A material that collects in the intestine of a fetus and forms the first stool of a newborn.
menarche - The beginning of the menstrual function that occurs at the onset of the puberty
menopause/climacteric - The normal cessation (stopping) of the monthly flow. It usually occurs after the age of 45.
menorrhea - The monthly menstruation flow
menstrual cycle - The average menstrual cycle consists of 28 days grouped into 4 time periods
menstruatio /menses - The normal periodic discharge of a bloody fluid from the nonpregnant uterus. This is the process of shedding the superficial endometrium lining formed in preparation for possible pregnancy.
mesentery - A membranous fold attaching an organ to the body wall.
mesovarium - A short peritoneal fold connecting the anterior border of the ovary with the posterior layer of the broad ligament of the uterus.
mons pubis - A rounded fleshy protuberance situated over the pubic bones that becomes covered with hair during puberty.
mucus, cervical - Secretion of the cervical mucous glands
multiparous - A woman who has given birth 2 or more times.
myometrium - The muscular middle layer
neonate - Newborn infant during the first 4 weeks after the birth
nipple - The mammary papilla.
nulligravida - A woman who has never been pregnant.
nullipara - A woman who has never borne a viable child.
Obstetrician- Gynecologist - A doctor with special skills, training, and education in women’s health care.
obstetrics - Branch of medicine that involves care of a woman during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and after the baby is born.
operculum - The plug of mucus that fills the cervical canal during pregnancy
orifice - An entrance into, or an outlet from, a body cavity or canal
ova (plural of ovum) -
The female gametes
ovarian ligaments -
A fibrous ligament that connects the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus.
ovaries -
The ovaries are a pair of small almond-shaped organs located in the lower abdomen, one on either side of the uterus.
oviducts -
The passageway from the ovaries to the outside of the body is known as the oviduct.
ovulation -
Normally each month one ovum matures and is released by the ovaries. This process is called ovulation.
ovum (singular of ova) - Egg
Papanicolaou smear/Pap smear - A screening test used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the endocervical canal (transformation zone) of the female reproductive system.
para - The number of viable (>20 wks) births
parity - The state or fact of having borne offspring
parturition/labor/childbirth - The act of giving birth to an offspring
perimenopause - The term used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all.
perimetrium - The membranous outer layer
perineum - The perineum is the region between the vaginal orifice and the anus
placenta - The tube, which allows the exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between mother and child without allowing maternal blood and fetal blood to mix.
postpartum - After birth or delivery
pregnancy - The condition of having a developing child in the uterus.
prepuce - The foreskin, which surrounds and protects the head of the penis.
presentation - The term used to describe the portion of the fetus that can be touched by the examining finger during labor.
primigravida - A woman during her first pregnancy
primipara - A woman who has borne one child
progesterone - A steroid hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy (supports gestation) and embryogenesis
proliferative - Growing and increasing in number rapidly
puberty - The process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilization.
puerperium - The period of 3 to 6 weeks after childbirth until the uterus returns to its normal size.
quickening - The first movement of the fetus felt in the uterus.
sebaceous - Relating to, or resembling fat or sebum; fatty
secretory - Relating to, or promoting secretion;
suspensory - Supporting or suspending
trimester - 3 month each
umbilical cord - The structure that connects the fetus to the placenta.
urethral meatus - The external opening of the urethra
uterine involution - The return of the uterus to its normal size and former condition
uterus - The pear shaped organ with muscular walls and a mucous membrane lining filled with a rich supply of blood vessels.
vagina - A muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body.
vertex presentation - Head-first birth of a baby
vestibular/Bartholin glands - Two glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina
viable - The fetus is viable when it is capable of living outside the mother.
vulva/pudendum - The female external genitalia
zygote - After fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube the fertilized egg, which is now called a zygote.
afterbirth - The placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus following childbirth.
amniocentesis - Laboratory analysis of amniotic fluid.
amnion/amniotic sac - The innermost of the membranes enveloping the embryo in utero.
amniotic cavity - The closed sac between the embryo and the amnion, containing the amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid - The nourishing and protecting liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman.
amniotic sac/bag of waters - A sac in which the fetus develops in amniotes
ampulla - A dilated portion of a canal or duct
anteflexion - The normal position of the uterus is bent forward in a position called anteflexion.
antepartum - Before labor or delivery
anti-D gamma globulin - Immunoglobulin for prevention of Rh-sensitization.
Apgar score - Physical assessment of a newborn baby; usually conducted at one minute and five minutes after birth.
areola - The dark pigmented area around the nipple
Bartholin glands - Bartholin's glands are two small, rounded glands on the either side of the vaginal opening that produce a mucus secretion to lubricate the vagina.
basal body temperature (BBT) - A woman’s body temperature at rest; used for detection of ovulation.
blood count - A test used to detect anemia and infection.
breakthrough bleeding - Nonorganic endometrial bleeding during the use of oral contraceptives.
Breech -
cervical ectropion or eversion - Migration of cells from the lining of the endocervical canal (endocervix) to the outer portion of the cervix (ectocervix).
cervix/cervix uteri - The lower narrow portion that extends into the vagina
clitoris - An organ of sensitive, erectile tissue located anterior to the vaginal orifice and in front of the urethral meatus.
coitus/copulation - Sexual intercourse
colostrum - The fluid secreted by the breasts during pregnancy and the first days postpartum
conception - The beginning of a new individual that results from fertilization.
corpus - The middle position
corpus luteum - A small, yellow structure that forms in the ovary after an egg has been released.
cortex - The outer layer of an internal organ or body structure.
crowning - The head first seen at the vaginal orifice
delivery - The expulsion of the infant and afterbirth
dilatation - The condition being dilated or stretched beyond normal dimensions.
dilation - The act of dilating or stretching
effacement - The thinning and shortening of the cervix during labor.
embryo - A developing baby during the first trimester.
endometrium - The inner layer that consists of specialized epithelial mucosa
epidural - Type of anesthesia administered through the back during labor. Not the same as a “spinal.”
estimated date of confinement (EDC) - Due date
estradiol - The most potent naturally occurring estrogen.
estrogen - The female sex hormone
fallopian tube/oviducts/uterine tubes - The tubes that extend from the upper end of the uterus to a point near but not attached to each ovary. The fallopian tube serves as a duct to convey the ovum from ovary to the uterus.
fecal occult blood test - Test in which a stool sample is checked for blood that could indicate colon or rectal cancer.
fertilization - Union of ovum and sperm
fetus - A developing baby after the first trimester.
fimbria - Singular of fimbriae
fimbriae - The infundibulum ends in finger-like extensions called fimbriae that catch the ovum when it leaves the ovary.
follicle stimulating hormone - A hormone that stimulates the growth and maturation of mature eggs in the ovary.
fornix - An arch like structure
fraternal twins - Results from the fertilization of separate ova by separate sperm cells. These develop into two separate embryos.
fundus - The bulging rounded part above the entrance of the fallopian tubes.
gametes/ova - A reproductive cell having the haploid number of chromosomes, especially a sperm or egg capable of fusing with a gamete of the opposite sex to produce a fertilized egg.
genitalia - The reproductive organ
gestation - Pregnancy.
graafian follicles - The ovaries contain thousands of small sacs called graafian follicles.
gravid - Pregnant.
gravida - The number of times the mother has been pregnant
gravida/para (GP) - a shorthand notation for a woman's obstetric history
gynecology - The branch of medicine that involves care of woman’s health, including the reproductive system and breasts.
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - A hormone excreted during the development of an embryo or fetus.
hymen - A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely covers the external vaginal orifice.
identical twins - Formed from the fertilization of a single egg cell by a single sperm
implantation - The attachment and embedding of the zygote within the endothelial lining of the uterus.
infundibulum - The funnel shaped opening into the fallopian tube
labia majora - The protection of external genitalia and urethral meatus.
labia minora - The protection of external genitalia and urethral meatus.
lactation - The medical term for yielding of milk by the mammary glands which leads to breastfeeding
lactiferous duct - The duct that carries the milk to the nipple
lactiferous glands - The glands which produce milk after childbirth.
LMP - First day of a woman’s last menstrual period before pregnancy; important to know when calculating the estimated date of confinement (the “due date”).
lochia - The vaginal discharge that takes place during the first week or two after childbirth.
luteal phase - The portion of the menstrual cycle that begins with the formation of the corpus luteum and ends with the start of the menstrual flow, usually 14 days in length.
mammary glands/breasts - Milk producing glands that develop during puberty. They are classified as part of both the reproductive and integumentary systems.
mammography (mammogram) - An X-ray of the breast, used to detect breast cancer.
mans pubis - The rounded fleshy prominence over the pubic symphysis
maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP) - A protein substance produced by the liver of the fetus.
meconium - A material that collects in the intestine of a fetus and forms the first stool of a newborn.
menarche - The beginning of the menstrual function that occurs at the onset of the puberty
menopause/climacteric - The normal cessation (stopping) of the monthly flow. It usually occurs after the age of 45.
menorrhea - The monthly menstruation flow
menstrual cycle - The average menstrual cycle consists of 28 days grouped into 4 time periods
menstruatio /menses - The normal periodic discharge of a bloody fluid from the nonpregnant uterus. This is the process of shedding the superficial endometrium lining formed in preparation for possible pregnancy.
mesentery - A membranous fold attaching an organ to the body wall.
mesovarium - A short peritoneal fold connecting the anterior border of the ovary with the posterior layer of the broad ligament of the uterus.
mons pubis - A rounded fleshy protuberance situated over the pubic bones that becomes covered with hair during puberty.
mucus, cervical - Secretion of the cervical mucous glands
multiparous - A woman who has given birth 2 or more times.
myometrium - The muscular middle layer
neonate - Newborn infant during the first 4 weeks after the birth
nipple - The mammary papilla.
nulligravida - A woman who has never been pregnant.
nullipara - A woman who has never borne a viable child.
Obstetrician- Gynecologist - A doctor with special skills, training, and education in women’s health care.
obstetrics - Branch of medicine that involves care of a woman during pregnancy, labor, childbirth and after the baby is born.
operculum - The plug of mucus that fills the cervical canal during pregnancy
orifice - An entrance into, or an outlet from, a body cavity or canal
ova (plural of ovum) -
The female gametes
ovarian ligaments -
A fibrous ligament that connects the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus.
ovaries -
The ovaries are a pair of small almond-shaped organs located in the lower abdomen, one on either side of the uterus.
oviducts -
The passageway from the ovaries to the outside of the body is known as the oviduct.
ovulation -
Normally each month one ovum matures and is released by the ovaries. This process is called ovulation.
ovum (singular of ova) - Egg
Papanicolaou smear/Pap smear - A screening test used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the endocervical canal (transformation zone) of the female reproductive system.
para - The number of viable (>20 wks) births
parity - The state or fact of having borne offspring
parturition/labor/childbirth - The act of giving birth to an offspring
perimenopause - The term used to designate the transition phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all.
perimetrium - The membranous outer layer
perineum - The perineum is the region between the vaginal orifice and the anus
placenta - The tube, which allows the exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products between mother and child without allowing maternal blood and fetal blood to mix.
postpartum - After birth or delivery
pregnancy - The condition of having a developing child in the uterus.
prepuce - The foreskin, which surrounds and protects the head of the penis.
presentation - The term used to describe the portion of the fetus that can be touched by the examining finger during labor.
primigravida - A woman during her first pregnancy
primipara - A woman who has borne one child
progesterone - A steroid hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy (supports gestation) and embryogenesis
proliferative - Growing and increasing in number rapidly
puberty - The process of physical changes by which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction to enable fertilization.
puerperium - The period of 3 to 6 weeks after childbirth until the uterus returns to its normal size.
quickening - The first movement of the fetus felt in the uterus.
sebaceous - Relating to, or resembling fat or sebum; fatty
secretory - Relating to, or promoting secretion;
suspensory - Supporting or suspending
trimester - 3 month each
umbilical cord - The structure that connects the fetus to the placenta.
urethral meatus - The external opening of the urethra
uterine involution - The return of the uterus to its normal size and former condition
uterus - The pear shaped organ with muscular walls and a mucous membrane lining filled with a rich supply of blood vessels.
vagina - A muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body.
vertex presentation - Head-first birth of a baby
vestibular/Bartholin glands - Two glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina
viable - The fetus is viable when it is capable of living outside the mother.
vulva/pudendum - The female external genitalia
zygote - After fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube the fertilized egg, which is now called a zygote.
Disease Related Terms of the Gynecology
abortion - The interruption or termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable
abruptio placentae - An abnormal condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall prematurely before the birth of the fetus
amenorrhea - An absence of the monthly flow of menstruation
anovulation - The absence of ovulation.
anteversion - Abnormal tipping, tilting, or turning forward of the entire uterus, including the cervix
Asherman syndrome - Persistent amenorrhea and secondary sterility due to intrauterine adhesions.
breast cancer - A form of carcinoma, is a malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial tissue in the breast
breech presentation - When the buttocks or feet of the fetus are presented first
candidiasis - Any infection caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.
cervicitis - An inflammation of the uterine cervix
Cesarean section - Incision through the abdominal and uterine walls for delivery of a baby.
chlamydia - A common sexually transmitted disease and secondarily causes infertility, especially in female patients.
colporrhexis - Laceration of the vagina
dysmenorrhea - A difficult or painful monthly flow
dyspareunia - Difficult or painful coitus
dystocia - Abnormal or difficult labor.
dysuria - Painful or difficult urination
eclampsia - A more serious form of preeclampsia, is characterized by convulsions and sometimes coma
ectopic - Out of place
ectopic pregnancy/extrauterine pregnancy - A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside the uterus
endocervicitis - An inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the cervix
endometriosis - A condition in which endometrial tissue escapes the uterus and becomes implanted outside the uterus on other structures in the pelvic cavity
endometritis - Inflammation of the endometrium.
fibroadenoma - A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium that commonly occurs in breast tissue
fibrocystic breast disease - The presence of the single or multiple cysts in the breasts
fibrocystic disease - The formation of benign but painful cysts in the breasts.
fibromyoma/leiomyoma - Benign tumors, which contain both muscular and fibrous components and generally occur in the myometrium layer of the uterus.
galactocele/galactoma - A cystic enlargement of the mammary gland containing milk
gonorrhea - A sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
herpes - Any inflammatory skin disease caused by a herpesvirus and characterized by the formation of small clusters of vesicles.
hirsutism - Abnormal hairiness
hydatidiform mole - An abnormal pregnancy in which the chorionic villi form a mass of cysts similar in appearance to a cluster of grapes.
hypomenorrhea - A small amount of menstrual flow over the shortened duration at the regular period
induced abortion - An abortion deliberately caused by human action
infertility - A diminished or absent capacity to produce offsprings.
leiomyoma/fibroid - A benign tumor derived from the smooth muscle of the uterus
leukorrhea - A profuse white mucus discharge from the uterus and vagina
mastitis - An inflammation of the breasts
melasma/mass of pregnancy - This is a blotchy, brownish color which occurs over the forehead and malar eminence. It is also common around the mammary areola and in a dark line down the abdomen
menometrorrhagia - An excessive uterine bleeding occurring both during menses and at irregular intervals
menorrhagia - An excessive uterine bleeding occurring during the menses
menorrhea - This term is used interchangeably to mean both the normal flow of menstruation and profuse menstruation.
metrorrhagia - Uterine bleeding which occurs in varying amounts at totally irregular intervals, sometimes lasting long times.
metrorrhea - An abnormal uterine discharge
metrorrhexis - Rupture of the uterus
mittelschmerz - Pain between menstrual period
nabothian cyst - A small, yellowish mass consisting of dilated endocervical gland and appearing at the external vervical orifice.
oligomenorrhea - A markedly reduced menstrual flow and also, abnormally infrequent menstruation or relative amenorrhea
oophoritis - An inflammation of an ovary
ovarian cyst - A collection of fluid or solid material within a sac in the ovary
ovariorrhexis - The rupture of the ovary
Paget disease - An intraductal carcinoma of the beast.
pelvic inflammatory disease/PID - Any inflammation of the female reproductive organs that can lead to infertility, tubal pregnancy, and other serious disorders
pica - A bizarre craving for strange foods or even nonedible materials such as dirt, gravel, paint, or plasters.
placenta previa - The abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower portion of the uterus
polymenorrhea - Abnormally frequent menstruation
precocious puberty - The onset of sexual maturation at an earlier age than usual. Incidentally, the lower limit of normal for girls is 8 and boys is 9.
preeclampsia/toxemia of pregnancy - A complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension (high blood pressure), edema (swelling), and proteinuria
premature infant - Any neonate born before the 37th week of gestation
premenstrual syndrome/PMS - Symptoms occurring within the 2-week period before menstruation such as bloating, edema, headaches, mood swings, and breast discomfort
prolapse of uterus - A falling or sinking down of the uterus until it protrudes through the vaginal opening
proteinuria - An abnormally high level of protein in the urine
pruritus vulvae - A condition of severe itching of the external female genitalia
puerperal infection - puerperal means the period from the end of the third stage of labor until involution of the uterus, which is usually about 3 to 6 weeks. Any infection which afflicts the mother during the this time period.
pyometritis - A purulent inflammation of the uterus
pyosalpinx - An accumulation of the pus in the fallopian tube
retroflexion - An abnormal tipping with the body of the uterus bent forming an angle with the cervix
retroversion - An abnormal tipping of the entire uterus backward, with the cervix pointing forward toward the pubic symphysis
salpingitis - An inflammation of the fallopian tube
spontaneous abortion/miscarriage - Naturally occurring abortion
stillbirth - The birth of the fetus that died before or during delivery
syphilis - A sexually transmitted disease which passes through three different stages and can be latent for years.
teratoma - A neoplasm of the ovary which originates from germ cell or any type of germ cell tumor.
therapeutic abortion - Deliberately induced abortion by physician.
trichomonas - A sexually transmitted disease which is caused by a parasitic protozoa. Trichomonas vagninalis is found in both the female and male tract.
tubal pregnancy - An ectopic pregnancy occurring within the fallopian tube
Turner syndrome - A developmental defect in which the ovaries are either absent or represented only by streaks of ovarian tissue in the broad ligaments. Menstruation does not occur.
vaginal candidiasis - A commonly occurring vaginal yeast infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans
vaginitis/colpitis - An inflammation of the vagina
vaginocele/colpocele - A hernia protruding into the vagina
abruptio placentae - An abnormal condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall prematurely before the birth of the fetus
amenorrhea - An absence of the monthly flow of menstruation
anovulation - The absence of ovulation.
anteversion - Abnormal tipping, tilting, or turning forward of the entire uterus, including the cervix
Asherman syndrome - Persistent amenorrhea and secondary sterility due to intrauterine adhesions.
breast cancer - A form of carcinoma, is a malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial tissue in the breast
breech presentation - When the buttocks or feet of the fetus are presented first
candidiasis - Any infection caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.
cervicitis - An inflammation of the uterine cervix
Cesarean section - Incision through the abdominal and uterine walls for delivery of a baby.
chlamydia - A common sexually transmitted disease and secondarily causes infertility, especially in female patients.
colporrhexis - Laceration of the vagina
dysmenorrhea - A difficult or painful monthly flow
dyspareunia - Difficult or painful coitus
dystocia - Abnormal or difficult labor.
dysuria - Painful or difficult urination
eclampsia - A more serious form of preeclampsia, is characterized by convulsions and sometimes coma
ectopic - Out of place
ectopic pregnancy/extrauterine pregnancy - A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside the uterus
endocervicitis - An inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the cervix
endometriosis - A condition in which endometrial tissue escapes the uterus and becomes implanted outside the uterus on other structures in the pelvic cavity
endometritis - Inflammation of the endometrium.
fibroadenoma - A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium that commonly occurs in breast tissue
fibrocystic breast disease - The presence of the single or multiple cysts in the breasts
fibrocystic disease - The formation of benign but painful cysts in the breasts.
fibromyoma/leiomyoma - Benign tumors, which contain both muscular and fibrous components and generally occur in the myometrium layer of the uterus.
galactocele/galactoma - A cystic enlargement of the mammary gland containing milk
gonorrhea - A sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
herpes - Any inflammatory skin disease caused by a herpesvirus and characterized by the formation of small clusters of vesicles.
hirsutism - Abnormal hairiness
hydatidiform mole - An abnormal pregnancy in which the chorionic villi form a mass of cysts similar in appearance to a cluster of grapes.
hypomenorrhea - A small amount of menstrual flow over the shortened duration at the regular period
induced abortion - An abortion deliberately caused by human action
infertility - A diminished or absent capacity to produce offsprings.
leiomyoma/fibroid - A benign tumor derived from the smooth muscle of the uterus
leukorrhea - A profuse white mucus discharge from the uterus and vagina
mastitis - An inflammation of the breasts
melasma/mass of pregnancy - This is a blotchy, brownish color which occurs over the forehead and malar eminence. It is also common around the mammary areola and in a dark line down the abdomen
menometrorrhagia - An excessive uterine bleeding occurring both during menses and at irregular intervals
menorrhagia - An excessive uterine bleeding occurring during the menses
menorrhea - This term is used interchangeably to mean both the normal flow of menstruation and profuse menstruation.
metrorrhagia - Uterine bleeding which occurs in varying amounts at totally irregular intervals, sometimes lasting long times.
metrorrhea - An abnormal uterine discharge
metrorrhexis - Rupture of the uterus
mittelschmerz - Pain between menstrual period
nabothian cyst - A small, yellowish mass consisting of dilated endocervical gland and appearing at the external vervical orifice.
oligomenorrhea - A markedly reduced menstrual flow and also, abnormally infrequent menstruation or relative amenorrhea
oophoritis - An inflammation of an ovary
ovarian cyst - A collection of fluid or solid material within a sac in the ovary
ovariorrhexis - The rupture of the ovary
Paget disease - An intraductal carcinoma of the beast.
pelvic inflammatory disease/PID - Any inflammation of the female reproductive organs that can lead to infertility, tubal pregnancy, and other serious disorders
pica - A bizarre craving for strange foods or even nonedible materials such as dirt, gravel, paint, or plasters.
placenta previa - The abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower portion of the uterus
polymenorrhea - Abnormally frequent menstruation
precocious puberty - The onset of sexual maturation at an earlier age than usual. Incidentally, the lower limit of normal for girls is 8 and boys is 9.
preeclampsia/toxemia of pregnancy - A complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension (high blood pressure), edema (swelling), and proteinuria
premature infant - Any neonate born before the 37th week of gestation
premenstrual syndrome/PMS - Symptoms occurring within the 2-week period before menstruation such as bloating, edema, headaches, mood swings, and breast discomfort
prolapse of uterus - A falling or sinking down of the uterus until it protrudes through the vaginal opening
proteinuria - An abnormally high level of protein in the urine
pruritus vulvae - A condition of severe itching of the external female genitalia
puerperal infection - puerperal means the period from the end of the third stage of labor until involution of the uterus, which is usually about 3 to 6 weeks. Any infection which afflicts the mother during the this time period.
pyometritis - A purulent inflammation of the uterus
pyosalpinx - An accumulation of the pus in the fallopian tube
retroflexion - An abnormal tipping with the body of the uterus bent forming an angle with the cervix
retroversion - An abnormal tipping of the entire uterus backward, with the cervix pointing forward toward the pubic symphysis
salpingitis - An inflammation of the fallopian tube
spontaneous abortion/miscarriage - Naturally occurring abortion
stillbirth - The birth of the fetus that died before or during delivery
syphilis - A sexually transmitted disease which passes through three different stages and can be latent for years.
teratoma - A neoplasm of the ovary which originates from germ cell or any type of germ cell tumor.
therapeutic abortion - Deliberately induced abortion by physician.
trichomonas - A sexually transmitted disease which is caused by a parasitic protozoa. Trichomonas vagninalis is found in both the female and male tract.
tubal pregnancy - An ectopic pregnancy occurring within the fallopian tube
Turner syndrome - A developmental defect in which the ovaries are either absent or represented only by streaks of ovarian tissue in the broad ligaments. Menstruation does not occur.
vaginal candidiasis - A commonly occurring vaginal yeast infection caused by the yeast Candida albicans
vaginitis/colpitis - An inflammation of the vagina
vaginocele/colpocele - A hernia protruding into the vagina
Treatment Related Terms of Gynecology
amniocentesis - A surgical procedure in which a needle is passed through the abdominal and uterine walls to obtain a specimen of amniotic fluid to evaluate fetal health and diagnose certain congenital disorders
amniotomy - Surgical rupture of the fetal membranes to induce or expedite labor.
Apgar score - An evaluation of a newborn infant's physical status by assigning numerical values (0 to 2)
bilateral total abdominal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus, cervix, and both side fallopian tubes, and ovaries through an incision in the abdomen
bimanual mammograms -
breast augmentation - Mammoplasty to increase breast size
cervicectomy - A surgical removal of the cervix
cesarean delivery/cesarean section/C section - The delivery of the child through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterine wall
cholesterol test - A blood test performed to check levels of cholesterol, a substance that helps transport fat through the blood.
chromotubation - Dye test
coloscopy - The visual examination of the tissues of the cervix and vagina using a coloscope
colpopexy - The surgical fixation of the vagina to a surrounding structure
colporrhaphy - Suturing the vagina
colposcopy - Examination of the vagina and cervix by using an instrument that provides low magnification.
conization - The removal of the cone of tissue or the partial removal of the cervix
contraception - The prevention of the pregnancy
contraceptive - The measure taken or device used to lessen the likelihood of contraception and pregnancy
dilatation and curettage (D & C) - The dilation (enlargement) of the cervix and removal of material from the surface of the uterus by scraping with curette. (These materials may also be removed with suction instead of by scraping)
electronic fetal monitor - A device that allows observation of the fetal heart rate and the maternal uterine contractions during labor
episiorrhaphy - A sutured repair of an episiotomy
episiotomy - A surgical removal of the perineum and vagina to facilitate delivery and prevent laceration of the tissues.
forceps - A surgical instrument that resembles a pair of tongs and can be used in surgery for grabbing, maneuvering, or removing various things within or from the body.
hymenectomy - The surgical removal of the hymen
hysteropexy - The surgical fixation of a misplaced or abnormally movable uterus
hysterosalpingogram - A imaging test that is used to examine the cavity of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
hysterosalpingography - A radiographic examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes after the injection of radiopaque material
hysteroscope - An endoscope for direct visual examination of the cervical canal and uterine cavity.
hysteroscopy - The direct visual examination of the interior part of the uterus
laceration - A jagged tear of the tissue
laparoscopy - Direct visualization of the peritoneal cavity, ovaries, and the outer surfaces of the fallopian tubes and uterus by using a laparoscope.
ligate - Bind or tie
mammogram - A record of mammography
mammography - A radiographic examination of the breasts
mammoplasty - The surgical repair or restructuring of the breast
mastopexy - A surgery to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position
oophorectomy/ovariectomy - Surgical removal of the ovary
Papanicolaou test/Pap smear - An exfoliative test for the detection and diagnosis of condition of the cervix and surrounding tissues
pelvimetry - The measurement of the dimensions of the pelvis to determine its capacity to allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal
salpingectomy - The surgical removal of a fallopian tube
total abdominal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries through an incision in the abdomen
tubal ligation - A surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are ligated and a section is removed for purposes of sterilization
ultrasound - A radiographic examination of the uterus used during pregnancy to evaluate fetal development
vaginal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus and cervix through the vagina
vaginoplasty - The surgical repair of the vagina
amniotomy - Surgical rupture of the fetal membranes to induce or expedite labor.
Apgar score - An evaluation of a newborn infant's physical status by assigning numerical values (0 to 2)
bilateral total abdominal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus, cervix, and both side fallopian tubes, and ovaries through an incision in the abdomen
bimanual mammograms -
breast augmentation - Mammoplasty to increase breast size
cervicectomy - A surgical removal of the cervix
cesarean delivery/cesarean section/C section - The delivery of the child through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterine wall
cholesterol test - A blood test performed to check levels of cholesterol, a substance that helps transport fat through the blood.
chromotubation - Dye test
coloscopy - The visual examination of the tissues of the cervix and vagina using a coloscope
colpopexy - The surgical fixation of the vagina to a surrounding structure
colporrhaphy - Suturing the vagina
colposcopy - Examination of the vagina and cervix by using an instrument that provides low magnification.
conization - The removal of the cone of tissue or the partial removal of the cervix
contraception - The prevention of the pregnancy
contraceptive - The measure taken or device used to lessen the likelihood of contraception and pregnancy
dilatation and curettage (D & C) - The dilation (enlargement) of the cervix and removal of material from the surface of the uterus by scraping with curette. (These materials may also be removed with suction instead of by scraping)
electronic fetal monitor - A device that allows observation of the fetal heart rate and the maternal uterine contractions during labor
episiorrhaphy - A sutured repair of an episiotomy
episiotomy - A surgical removal of the perineum and vagina to facilitate delivery and prevent laceration of the tissues.
forceps - A surgical instrument that resembles a pair of tongs and can be used in surgery for grabbing, maneuvering, or removing various things within or from the body.
hymenectomy - The surgical removal of the hymen
hysteropexy - The surgical fixation of a misplaced or abnormally movable uterus
hysterosalpingogram - A imaging test that is used to examine the cavity of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
hysterosalpingography - A radiographic examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes after the injection of radiopaque material
hysteroscope - An endoscope for direct visual examination of the cervical canal and uterine cavity.
hysteroscopy - The direct visual examination of the interior part of the uterus
laceration - A jagged tear of the tissue
laparoscopy - Direct visualization of the peritoneal cavity, ovaries, and the outer surfaces of the fallopian tubes and uterus by using a laparoscope.
ligate - Bind or tie
mammogram - A record of mammography
mammography - A radiographic examination of the breasts
mammoplasty - The surgical repair or restructuring of the breast
mastopexy - A surgery to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position
oophorectomy/ovariectomy - Surgical removal of the ovary
Papanicolaou test/Pap smear - An exfoliative test for the detection and diagnosis of condition of the cervix and surrounding tissues
pelvimetry - The measurement of the dimensions of the pelvis to determine its capacity to allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal
salpingectomy - The surgical removal of a fallopian tube
total abdominal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries through an incision in the abdomen
tubal ligation - A surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are ligated and a section is removed for purposes of sterilization
ultrasound - A radiographic examination of the uterus used during pregnancy to evaluate fetal development
vaginal hysterectomy - The surgical removal of the uterus and cervix through the vagina
vaginoplasty - The surgical repair of the vagina